雅思考試常用片語 (筆口試通用)-菁英雅思

be pleased to 樂意做某事
used to be 過去曾經是
bachelor’s degree 學士學位
be involved in 被捲入……中;涉及到……
be trapped in 被困在
fail to 未能
be guilty of 犯有…罪
out of one’s mind 瘋了;發瘋;精神不正常;失去理智
be unworthy of 不值得
be suitable for 適合於…的
soak up 汲取(知識等)
be responsible to 對…負責
strive to 努力做某事
at the rear of 在…的後面
be named after 以…名字命名
have difficulty doing 做某事有困難
more or less 或多或少
draw conclusion from 從…得出結論
be noted for 以…而聞名
up-to-date 最新的
refrain from 克制;抑制;忍住
afford to (有條件)做;能承擔
have ... in common 有共同之處
wind its way to 蜿蜒而行
speed up 加速;使加速
by any means 無論如何
be strict with 對…要求嚴格
pull through 渡過難關
place emphasis on 重視;強調
give top priority to 優先考慮
be addicted to 對…上癮;沉溺於
have no sense of 不知道
run away from 逃跑,逃離;從…逃出
bring ...to an end 使結束
be bound to 必然
bring about 引起
break down 瓦解
talk someone out of 說服某人不做某事
keep one’s distance from 與…保持一定距離
burn down 燒毀
blow up 爆炸
close down (工廠、企業等)停業;關閉
a scarcity of 缺乏,缺少
be bored with 對…感到厭煩
blame for 責備,責怪
hold back 抑制; 控制
to what extent 在何種程度上
in accordance with 依照;與…一致
be bent on 專心致力於
accommodate with 向…供應;提供
turn out to be 結果是;原來是
take part in 參加,參與
pick up 開走,取(車)
try out 試驗
tidy up 收拾,整理
sort out 分類,整理
figure out 想出
devote… to 把…用於
major in 主修
secondary education 中等教育
find out 弄清
provide easy access to 提供通往…的便捷途徑
opposite to 與…相反
to the minimum 至最低限度
on the site 現場
a couple of 幾個
lie in 在於
deal with 處理
tend to 傾向於
bring in 請來,帶來
set up 建立
be confined to 僅限於
compete with 與…一較高下
add to 增加
specialize in 專門研究…
attach importance to 予以重視
be tolerant of 對…寬容,能夠容忍…
civil servant 公務員
get a degree (in administration) 取得(管理學的)學位
participate in 參與
be impressed with 對…印象深刻
square with 與…協調或一致
go wrong with 出毛病
third-party insurance 協力廠商責任保險
value-added tax 增值稅
make a hasty decision 做出草率的決定
take advantage of 利用
on bad terms with 與…關係不好
admit to 承認
break with 和…決裂,和…斷絕關係
focus on 關注於
be capable of 能夠
interpersonal relationship 人際關係
broaden the scope (of knowledge) 擴展(知識的)範圍
liberate sb. from the burden 讓某人從負擔中解脫
be essential to 對…是必不可少的
warn against 警告不要(做…)
push… into 使陷入
be faced with 面對
meet the needs of 滿足…的需求
make a fuss about 小題大做
share one’s viewpoint 同意某人的觀點
leave sb. alone 讓…一個人呆著,不打擾某人
give up 放棄
reflect on 反思,回顧
write down 記下來,寫下來
arouse the interest 激起興趣
serve as 充當…,起…作用
be suitable for 適合於…
build up 建立
up-to-date information 最新資訊
find an ideal solution to 找到對…理想的解決辦法
join hands with 與…攜手聯合
result in 導致,結果是
on one’s own 靠自己
in case 免得,以防
be admitted to 加入; 獲准做某事
lay the foundation of 打下……的基礎;奠定了……的基礎
be concerned about 關心,擔憂,掛念
rely on 依靠,依賴
appeal for 要求;呼籲
sooner or later 遲早,早晚
be opposed to 反對…;與…相對
be sympathetic with 對…同情
might as well 倒不如;不妨…;還是…的好
get rid of 擺脫
find fault with 挑剔;批評;抱怨
in consultation with 經與…磋商
bring into full play 盡情發揮
leave a ... impression on 留下一個...印象
make a bargain with 和…做交易
brush up on 溫習;重溫,複習,重新練習(本領、技巧以免荒疏)
apply for 申請
be aware of 知道;意識到;察覺到;認識到
file against對……提出訴訟
pass away 去世
lack in 缺少於
have an impact on 對…有影響
go into shock 休克
lend out 借出
be capable of 能夠
inform of 通知;報告
evolve from 由…進化
by the time 等到;到…的時候
attract one’s attention to 引起注意
do a disservice 幫倒忙
get through 接通電話
be flooded with 擠滿,充滿
stay away from 離…遠點;避開
side effect 副作用
stay alert to 對…警覺
guard against 防止;提防
adverse effect 不利影響;副作用
get used to 習慣於…
refrain from 克制;抑制;忍住
hold up 阻擋;攔截
from bad to worse 每況愈下;越來越糟
count in 把…計算在內
tend to 趨向;易於;有…的傾向
from cover to cover 從頭至尾
touch on 提及;談及
count on 指望
health hazard 健康危害
be subject to 受…支配,受限於…
pay attention to 注意,重視
be contrary to 違背,與…相反
artificial intelligence 人工智慧
be applied in 應用於…
become/be concerned about 關心,擔憂
hinge on 完全取決於
manage with 用…設法應付
deliver to 送交,交付
in broad daylight 光天化日之下,公開地
in terms of 就…而言
appeal to 對…有吸引力
pull… out of 讓…從…中退出
embark on 從事,開始(做某事)
turn away from 避開,脫離
brush aside 對…置之不理
dry out 完全變幹,幹透
executive board 執行委員會,董事會
happen to 剛好
confine sb. to 把某人限定在範圍內
take up 佔用
botanical garden 植物園
be accustomed to 習慣於
be accused of 因…被起訴/指責
be less likely to 不太可能
resort to 依靠,訴諸
be obliged to 應該
be based on 基於
put up with 忍受,容忍
specialize in 專門研究
in time 及時地
make peace 講和,言歸於好
out of control 失控
call for 要求,提倡
take it for granted 認為其理所當然
be crazy about 著迷於,熱衷於
be alien to 與…相異,與…格格不入
broaden one’s horizons 開闊某人的視野
a sheer waste of time 純粹浪費時間
slip into 陷入,墮入
have expertise in 有…的專業知識
convert into 把…轉化成…
regard as 把…看作…
put effort into 把精力花費在…
make use of 利用
sign up 報名參加
be qualified to 能勝任…
buy out 出錢使…放棄地位
in desperate need of 迫切需要
be mean to 對…刻薄
derive from 得自
teach sb. a lesson 教訓某人一頓
take away 帶走,拿走
be suspected of 被懷疑(做…)
on behalf of 作為…的代表;為了…的利益
be irritated with 被激怒
thrive on 因…繁榮發展
place a strain on 使…(極度)緊張,造成壓力
pose a threat to 對…造成威脅



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